Beyond: Two Souls is an interactive drama and action-adventure game for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and Windows, developed by Quantic Dream and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was originally released on 8 October 2013, later being re-released for the PlayStation 4 on 24 November 2015.


Jocul. Beyond: Two Souls este un joc video interactiv de acțiune-aventură, în care jucătorul trebuie să miște și să ghideze o ghideze pe Jodie, astfel încât ea să interacționeze cu obiecte și alte personaje nejucabile pentru a avansa în poveste. În orice moment, jucătorul poate alege să-l controleze pe Aiden, personaj care poate fi atribuit și unui al doilea jucător.

Gifted with exceptional powers, they appear to be predominately extremely dangerous and are seen to attack and kill the living. There are several variations of entities: 1 Notable entities 1.1 Aiden 1.2 Smoke Entities 1.3 Housed Corpses - Things 1.4 Yé'iitsoh 1.5 Sea Entity 1.6 Black Sun Entity An entity Das Pferd muss mir dein Geheimnis verraten Jay ist ein Navajo-Indianer und lebt zusammen mit seinem jüngeren Bruder Cory, seinem Vater Paul und seiner Großmutter Shimasani auf einer Farm in New Mexico. 1 Hintergrund 2 Entwicklung 2.1 Epilog - Jay 3 Wissenswertes 4 Galerie Am 3. Januar 1985 wurde Jay, als Sohn von Paul und einer nicht genannten Mutter geboren.

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A unique psychological action thriller delivered by A-list Hollywood performances by Elliot Page and Willem Dafoe, Beyond: Two Souls™ takes you on a thrilling journey across the globe as you play out the remarkable life of Jodie Holmes. Born with a connection to a mysterious entity with incredible powers, Jodie is different.

10:25 Beyond: Two Souls - Test-Video zum Spiel-Film Jodie Holmes hat eine Gabe - und ein Problem. Seit ihrer Geburt ist sie mit einer geisterartigen Existenz namens Aiden verbunden, kann mit ihr Hösten 2013 delade Beyond: Two Souls upp spelvärlden i två delar: de som avskydde titeln och de som älskade den. Playstation 4-versionen lär inte omvända någon. Beyond: Two Souls will be available on October 11 for PS3 only. Next, read all about the latest games and gossip in our Best of Gamescom 2013 roundup.

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If you choose to pre-order the PlayStation 3-exclusive Beyond: Two Souls, this is what you’ll get. Originally written and published by at IGN PS3. Click here to read the original story.

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